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Apps by Koongo.com

"Effortlessly expand sales with easy marketplace integration and data management."

Koongo automates your data and order synchronization for marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Wish, Bol, idealo, Spartoo, Zalando and Miinto.

Don't miss marketplace sales, expand your business!

Product listing on marketplaces might be tricky due to complex requirements. Product data specifications, regular stock updates, and fast order syncing are some of the issues that every marketplace seller must face. Koongo is here to help you, allowing easy and affordable marketplace integration and data feed management. You can simply list products on marketplaces and advertising channels to reach new customers & grow your business.

Dyamic pricing & 30-day FREE Trial

The Koongo app pricing starts at $24.95. It uses a dynamic pricing subscription that depends on the number of products, order connections and frequency update rates selected.

You can downgrade or upgrade your subscription at any time. You can get more details for the Koongo app pricing at

What Marketing Channels Koongo Integrates?

2dehands.be, 2ememain.be, Amazon FBM/FBA, Arukereso, Beslist.nl, Billiger, Bol.com FBR/FBB, Bing Ads, Cdiscount, Criteo, eBay, Facebook Ads, Fnac, Fruugo, Glami, Google Ads, Google Shopping, idealo, Instagram, Heureka, Kelkoo, Pricerunner, Prisjakt, OnBuy.com, Marktplaats.nl Admarkt, ManoMano, Miinto, Rakuten, Real, ShopAlike, Spartoo, Skroutz, TikTok, Twenga, Wish, Worten, Zalando, Zbozi & more…You can check all supported selling channels at

Get in touch with us

Our experienced support team can help you with onboarding to any of the supported selling channels. Just contact us at

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(7 Reviews)
  • 30 Days Free Trial

"Effortlessly expand sales with easy marketplace integration...

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