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Apps by InnovSolutions

Customize payment options based on selected shipping methods with Smart Shipping.

Payment restriction rules
Shipping-based selection
Method customization
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Lets you restrict Payment methods based on the Shipping method your customer chooses.

Want to add shipping rules to restrict your payment methods ? Try Smart Shipping!

Managing multiple shipping and payment methods can be exhaustive. You can have a customer who prepays you for the order and another who chose to go for Cash on Delivery. You want to restrict the payment methods for different customers. Then this can be possible with Smart Shipping!

With Smart Shipping App you can make rules to show the payment methods based on the shipping method chosen by your customer.

Example: Customers who choose the Free Shipping option will get to see only Prepaid(Credit cards/Paypal etc.) options in the Payment methods. For the rest , all options are available on some shipping Fee.

Once your app is enabled, it will show your available shipping and Payment methods in the store. You can choose which payment methods to show on the specific shipping method. If not chosen any, then all payment methods will be visible for that shipping method.

Set and save the rules again if you change the shipping/payment methods in your store.

Smart Shipping: Disable/Enable Payment methods based on Shipping method logo
(2 Reviews)
$5.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Customize payment options based on selected shipping methods...

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