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Trustprofile — review system & reputation management tool logo

Trustprofile — review system & reputation management tool

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"Showcase trust signals with integrated reviews and trust mark displays."

Customizable widgets
Integrated reviews
Trust mark displays
Automated review invites
Profile page
Rating sidebar
Html display options

About Trustprofile — review system & reputation management tool


Built by Trustprofile B.V.

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Success is just a few reviews away.

Become trustworthy with Trustprofile.

Trustprofile offers a profile that collects all your shop’s trust signals on one page. This includes reviews from multiple sources, identity checks, legal verifications, and more, so customers can quickly see why your shop is reliable. Besides the profile, we also offer a review system available through this app. The system includes automated review invites and customizable widgets and sidebars to better display customer feedback across your site.

With this plugin, our sidebar shows your combined rating directly on your shop. This means your webshop visitor does not have to leave your shop to see the collected reviews! Other presentation items you can add to your webshop using html code.

Trustprofile is the official software partner of several online trust marks. With our software, you can present your Trustmark perfectly on your website. There is a sidebar and various banners available for the trust marks.


  • Consolidates multiple trust signals on one profile, enhancing user trust.
  • Automated review invites streamline the process of collecting feedback.
  • Customizable widgets and sidebars improve integration with shop design.
  • Combined ratings are displayed directly on the shop, preventing users from navigating away.
  • Official partner of several online trust marks, increasing credibility.
  • Supports various presentation options through HTML code for flexibility.


  • Dependency on having existing reviews from multiple sources to maximize effectiveness.
  • Potential complexity in setup for non-technical users due to customization options.
  • Limited only to ecommerce shops that hold online trust marks.
  • No mention of pricing model, which could be a factor for small businesses.

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