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Easily integrate your store with Trustpilot for automated customer reviews.

Automated review invitations
Product rating integration
Shop and trustpilot connector

About Trustpilot


Built by Monkey Ventures

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Automate sending invitations to company and product reviews.

With the Trustpilot connector you invite your customers to rate your shop and products.

This application is a TrustPilot connector that connects your shop to TrustPilot and will send signals to TrustPilot, after which TrustPilot will ask your customers for review requests. This application was developed by Monkey Ventures

Trustpilot stands for trust and transparency. With over 1.2 million new reviews per month and 3 billion views per month, Trustpilot is the largest and most widely used review platform in the world.

How does the Trustpilot connector work?
With the Trustpilot connector you invite your customers to rate your shop and products. Invest in trust, receive great reviews, increase conversion and improve your findability in Google. Please note, this application will not work without a Trustpilot business account.

Step 1: Install the App.
Step 2: Link the App to your own Trustpilot business account.
Step 3: Determine when the review invitation will be sent.
Step 4: Configure your sender and product review settings.
Step 5: Save your configuration. The App does the rest.

Additional information
With this App you can link your webshop to your TrustPilot account. You must have the correct TrustPilot subscription.

The cost of this app is from € 2.50 per month after a trial period of 14 days. The cost of the application is based on the number of invitations sent to your customers. The costs per invitation are € 0.10 per invitation sent.


  • Integrates easily with existing store platforms for automated customer reviews.
  • Facilitates collection of customer feedback by sending review invitations.
  • Helps to increase trust and transparency with potential customers.
  • Potential to boost conversion rates and improve search visibility on Google.
  • Allows customization of review invitation timing and settings.
  • Supports business growth with robust review acquisition.
  • Cost-effective starting at €2.50 per month.


  • Requires a Trustpilot business account for functionality.
  • Additional costs based on the number of review invitations sent (€0.10 per invitation).
  • Dependence on Trustpilot’s overall platform effectiveness.
  • Limited functionality without appropriate TrustPilot subscription.
  • Installation and configuration steps may require some technical knowledge.

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