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Smartarget Social Proof

Develop by TopSoft UG


/ Month
Free plan available

Boost sales by displaying dynamic customer activity notifications on your site.

About Smartarget Social Proof

Built by TopSoft UG

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
$79.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • Sponsored

Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


Showcase existing sales and social proof for your site

Increase users trust by promoting previous sales

No matter if you already have customers buying your products, or not, Social Proof can show random notification messages on your website that will make other customers think that there are currently ongoing sales.

Customers' trust increases when they see other people who bought at the same website they’re interested in. Social Proof gives them this exact trust so they gain more confidence in your products.

Social Proof will show one or multiple small notification messages with a name of a customer that will be picked from a list, and name of a product.

  • Define list of customers’ names
  • Pick the products you want to promote
  • You can choose the image that will appear with each notification message
  • Choose the position of the notification message on mobile and desktop
  • Choose how often notification messages will appear
  • Dismiss notification messages automatically or allow customers to dismiss by themselves

Social Proof is a fast and easy way to increase sales on your website. Our app includes a free and paid version. The app works both on Desktop and Mobile

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