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Readable: WCAG Accessibility logo

Readable: WCAG Accessibility

Free App

Enhance online accessibility with customizable text, TTS, and privacy compliance.

Privacy compliance
Customizable text scaling
Text-to-speech support
Link identification
Flicker-free modes
Large cursors
Online dictionary integration

About Readable: WCAG Accessibility


Built by Certified Code, Inc.

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
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Your site, their experience

Unlock a new level of inclusivity with Readable, the groundbreaking accessibility script designed to enhance the web experience for everyone.

With customizable settings, users can tailor text scaling, line spacing, and fonts to their unique preferences, ensuring a personalized and comfortable reading environment. Navigate effortlessly with features like link identification, flicker-free modes, and large cursors. Boost accessibility further with Text-to-Speech functionality, supporting over 60 languages, providing an auditory alternative for those with visual impairments. The online dictionary integration powered by Wikipedia enriches user knowledge without leaving the site. Plus, with privacy in mind, Readable saves user preferences without adding complexities to privacy policies, making it GDPR and CCPA compliant. Elevate your website's accessibility today with Readable's lightweight, fast, and user-friendly solution, compatible with all modern browsers and CMS/non-CMS websites. The future of inclusive online experiences starts here.


  • Customizable settings allow users to adjust text scaling, line spacing, and fonts for personalized reading.
  • Text-to-Speech functionality supports over 60 languages, aiding those with visual impairments.
  • Features like link identification, flicker-free modes, and large cursors enhance navigation.
  • Integrated online dictionary powered by Wikipedia enriches user knowledge without site navigation.
  • Privacy compliance with GDPR and CCPA, ensuring user data is handled responsibly.
  • Lightweight, fast, and compatible with all modern browsers and CMS/non-CMS websites.


  • Lack of in-depth reviews makes it difficult to confirm user satisfaction or identify frequent issues.
  • Potential dependency on continuous updates to stay compliant with evolving accessibility standards.

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