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Kerridge K8 (IQ Retail) logo

Kerridge K8 (IQ Retail)

Develop by Storehub.io
Free App

Seamless Ecwid integration, no setup cost, no coding required.

No coding required
Seamless integration
Track orders
Sync product data
Manage stock levels
Update pricing

About Kerridge K8 (IQ Retail)

Built by Storehub.io

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


Integrate Kerridge K8 with Ecwid for product data, stock, price & orders.

Storehub integration sets up in minutes!

Why use Storehub?

The Storehub.io integration with Ecwid takes minutes to set up, and there is no once-off setup cost, so you can ensure Storehub.io delivers on functionality, and our world class support from the get-go, without a large initial upfront investment.

Storehub.io also takes the guesswork out of integrating with Ecwid, as there's no code knowledge required, and we’ll help you for free to get set up!

What do I need to get started?

Kerridge K8 needs the API module to be purchased and configured in order to integrate with Ecwid. This can be purchased directly with a Kerridge K8 consultant or Partner.


  • Seamless integration with Ecwid.
  • No setup cost is involved.
  • No coding knowledge required for integration.
  • Quick setup process that takes minutes.
  • World-class support is available for free.
  • Eliminates guesswork in integration.


  • Requires purchasing and configuring the API module specifically for Kerridge K8.
  • Potential dependency on Kerridge K8 consultants or partners for the initial API setup.

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