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Find a Store

Free plan available

Find locations, customize maps, and get real-time directions effortlessly.

Responsive design
Bulk upload locations
Add store locations
Real-time directions
Filter search options
Customize map appearance

About Find a Store

Built by App Developer Group

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
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Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


You have a chain of physical stores and wonder how to help your customers find the nearest one?

Our Store Locator enables you to add addresses of physical retail stores to your website just in a few clicks. Customer can easily find a near store then get instant directions on Google map.

Customize all the titles, wording, button text, results text. Give it a feel that is consistent with your store's branding.

Change the units from KM to Miles, and much more!

Get REAL directions! Customers can get directions to any of your locations or dealers with one click.

Search by address, zip or postal code, or just city.

Create filtering options for each store. Customers will filter stores by these options in the search result.

Put an image in marker's Pop-up.

Customize the store mapper pins on your map. Add your own decal, logo, or whatever you like.

Add stores one at a time, or save time by bulk uploading all your locations at once.

Fully responsive and mobile friendly.

Embed your map wherever you want just use the embed code from app admin panel.

See our DEMO page at https://appdevelopergroup.company.site/findastore.


  • Easy integration: Add addresses of physical retail stores to your website with just a few clicks.
  • Customization: Customize titles, wording, and button text to align with your store's branding.
  • Unit flexibility: Change distance units from kilometers to miles.
  • Real-time directions: Customers can get instant directions via Google Maps.
  • Versatile search options: Search by address, zip/postal code, or city.
  • Filtering capability: Create filtering options for customers to narrow down search results.
  • Visual customization: Place an image in marker's Pop-up and customize store mapper pins.
  • Bulk upload: Efficiently add multiple store locations at once.
  • Mobile-friendly: Fully responsive for use on mobile devices.
  • Flexible embedding: Easily embed maps using admin panel embed code.


  • Potential dependence on Google Maps: Reliance on Google Maps might be a limitation if there are problems or restrictions with the mapping service.
  • Customization limitations: Users may experience difficulties if the customization options do not fully meet their branding or map design expectations.
  • Learning curve: It might take some time to learn and fully utilize all the customization and functionality options available in the app.

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