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Easy Customer Feedback Survey

Develop by POWR.io
Free App

Gain insights and improve with real-time customer feedback surveys.

Real-time feedback
Quick adjustments
User-friendly dashboard

About Easy Customer Feedback Survey

Built by POWR.io

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Gather useful feedback and insights with customer surveys

Make more informed decisions based on feedback and insights from an easy-to-use survey.

Pinpoint precisely what drives new sales and what may be causing lost customers. Learn valuable insights with satisfaction surveys about store layout, product selection, checkout process, or other critical customer journey points.

- Get Real Feedback: Discover what your customers love and identify areas for improvement
- Make Quick Adjustments: Respond swiftly to input and refine your approach based on real-time responses
- Simple to Manage: Easily handle and review feedback through a user-friendly dashboard, with admin emails and analytics at your fingertips

Our real POWR Support team (no AI) is available via email 24/7, and live chat is available on upgraded plans.


  • Provides real-time customer feedback, helping businesses make informed decisions.
  • Helps pinpoint areas driving sales and those causing customer loss.
  • Delivers insights on critical customer journey points such as store layout, product selection, and checkout process.
  • Allows for quick adjustments based on real-time inputs.
  • User-friendly dashboard for easy management and review of feedback.
  • Offers admin emails and analytics for comprehensive feedback management.
  • 24/7 support team availability via email, with live chat options for upgraded plans.


  • Live chat support only available on upgraded plans, limiting immediate assistance for basic users.
  • Potential dependency on survey data, which may not fully capture complex customer behaviors or motivations.
  • May require significant time investment to analyze feedback and determine actionable insights.

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