"Streamline product management by combining multiple items into one."
Imagine, you sell different products that consist of multiple sub-products that together form one whole. Because you and your customers prefer not to miss any parts and end up in a hassle of returning, updating stocks and dissatisfaction, we have developed Composite Product.
How does Composite product work?
With the Composite Product App you can show multiple products as one product. You link multiple subproducts to a main product. As soon as a visitor orders the main product in your webshop, the stock of your main product and all sub-products will be updated. Only the main product will be visible in the shopping cart and on the order confirmation.
The costs of this app are from € 2,50 per month after a trial period of 14 days.
The cost of the application is based on the number of SKU available in your webshop and the version you are using.
The following tiers are used and added to the base price of € 2,50:
Boost sales by displaying real-time customer actions and...
Simplify sharing and purchasing with customizable, shareable...
Instant SMS notifications for buyers and sellers after order...
Boost sales with personalized offers and strategic upselling...