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Adaptive Sales: Boost your sales for each customer! logo

Adaptive Sales: Boost your sales for each customer!

Develop by Kinvasoft


/ Month
Free plan available

Boost sales with personalized offers and strategic upselling at checkout!

Personalized offers
Free shipping incentives
Strategic upselling
Smart filter promotions
Pop-up product highlights
Order-based personalization
1 Reviews

About Adaptive Sales: Boost your sales for each customer!


Built by Kinvasoft

20+ Promotional Sales Tools: Popups, Banners, Timers, Coupons, Testimonials logo
(43 Reviews)
$79.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • Sponsored

Boost sales with popups, banners, timers, reviews, and notifications....


Boost your Sales by increasing Average Order Value with unique intelligent Offers for selected Customers by a Shopping Cart value smart filter.

The Adaptive Sale application will help the owner of an online store to increase the average shopping cart receipt (AOV) at the checkout page by showing the buyer Special offers to purchase goods on the Shopping Cart checkout page in the form of a Pop-up offer on the Shopping Cart checkout page and Top Banner or a Bottom Banner

Show great deals at your Customer ordering time
Create a message like Up-sell, Cross-Sell in the Cart section on the checkout page with your own title, or use in one click from our list: Product of the week, Product of the day, Popular this season.

Create a sense of caring for your Customer
Offer your Customer a free shipping deal In return to put extra 3 offered items in the Customer Cart. Example: you have free shipping from 5 000 Euro. The buyer puts goods for 3200 Euro into your basket, at the time of checkout, and offers to add one of 3 products to the basket each at a cost of 1800 Euro. This will give the Customer a free shipping and increase your average order.

Focus on a new product
Show the new product on the checkout page in a Pop-up window (Pop-up), so every new paying customer will see your exclusive order product.

Personalize your advertisement based on the order price
Show offers to all your customers or only to those who have collected items in the basket more or less than the amount you've set in app settings.

See the instruction.


  • Offers personalized deals to boost sales through strategic upselling and cross-selling.
  • Allows customization of messages and titles for up-sells and cross-sells in the cart section.
  • Facilitates increased customer spending by offering free shipping incentives.
  • Highlights new products to potential buyers through pop-up windows during checkout.
  • Enables customization of advertisements based on customer's order value.


  • May overwhelm customers with too many options or aggressive sales tactics at checkout.
  • Requires careful setup and management to ensure offers are attractive and relevant.
  • Relying on upselling for sales growth could potentially detract focus from core product offerings.
  • Customers may find pop-ups intrusive during the purchasing process.
  • Offers may not suit all business types, especially those with low average order values.

Rating and Reviews

Naal S.

Feb 16, 2022  on Ecwid

Very very good app. We love it !

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