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Apps by Eatabit.com

"Effortlessly print restaurant orders; compatible with Eatabit WiFi printer." Show more

Eatabit Printer is a convenient app designed to seamlessly integrate with your Eatabit WiFi printer, streamlining the process of printing customer orders for your restaurant, food truck, or ghost kitchen. With easy setup and no required training, Eatabit Printer ensures all orders are printed on standard paper as they are placed, making order management efficient and hassle-free. It supports various order types including delivery, pickup, and in-house dining, and provides comprehensive customer information on each ticket for better service management. Enjoy unlimited printing capabilities with a user-friendly platform and benefit from a 30-day free trial to test its effectiveness in your business. Cancel any time if it doesn’t meet your needs. The app requires an Eatabit printer, which can be purchased through the app's dashboard, though existing Eatabit printers are also compatible.
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Easy setup
Effortless order printing
Wifi printer compatibility

Print your restaurant's orders

  • Prints your customers' orders
  • Unlimited printing
  • 30-day free trial
  • Cancel any time
The Eatabit app enables you to print your restaurant's orders directly to your Eatabit Wifi printer. Whether you are a food truck, ghost kitchen or regular restaurant, the Eatabit printer is easy to set up and requires no training - it just prints your orders on standard paper as your customers place them. All the necessary customer information is printed on the ticket for any type of order - delivery, pickup or in-house orders. * The Eatabit app requires the use of an Eatabit printer - you can purchase a new printer in the Eatabit app dashboard or you can use an your existing Eatabit printer.
Eatabit printer logo
$22 / Month

"Effortlessly print restaurant orders; compatible with Eatabit...

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