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Apps by Commoninja.com

Create interactive, customizable charts and graphs for engaging data visualization.

A powerful visualization tool to easily create interactive and responsive charts and graphs to display data on your store.

What are Charts & Graphs?

Charts & Graphs is a powerful data visualization generator that gives you the ability to create a great variety of charts and graphs with exceptional customizability.

Why should you Use Charts & Graphs?

Data displayed in your store needs to be as engaging as possible so store visitors don't miss out on critical information. With Charts & Graphs, you can easily create and manage interactive and responsive charts and graphs on your store.

Using Charts & Graphs on your store

A spreadsheet interface lets you manage data sets from your store and display that data as a beautiful chart or graph.

Charts & Graphs by Common Ninja logo
  • Free Plan Available

Create interactive, customizable charts and graphs for engaging...

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