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Customer reviews: ZapERP Inventory

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Reviews (12)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally have a positive view of "ZapERP Inventory", highlighting its ease of use and effectiveness in managing inventory and analyzing profits. Many users mention how the app has simplified their business operations, allowing them to manage their inventory with greater efficiency.

Key Strengths

  • User-friendly interface
  • Effective profit analysis
  • Useful for a variety of businesses, from small shops to large mass merchants
  • Helps in predictive inventory management
  • Highly recommended by storekeepers

Common Concerns

  • One user referred to it as "useless" without further elaboration

Final Thoughts

Overall, "ZapERP Inventory" is well-received by its users, particularly for its user-friendly design and strong capabilities in profit and inventory analysis. While the feedback is predominantly positive, it's important for potential users to consider all opinions to determine if the app aligns with their specific needs.

Sep 20, 2022  on Bigcommerce

alex do - good app and the user-friendly app so that you can use this app great app easy to use

Sep 20, 2022  on Bigcommerce

sagor - this is the app i really like this kind of app and easy to use and very good for anyone love this app

Sep 20, 2022  on Bigcommerce

sohag hossain - fast of all I really like this app and I like the app very much and I would say that it's a great app

Sep 18, 2022  on Bigcommerce

rana khan - this is a great app I really like this app and the graphics quality is good

Sep 16, 2022  on Bigcommerce

badol hossain - this is a great app and I just like this app very much it has a very good user interface the graphics quality was great good job developers

Jan 07, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Appreciated - This a good app. Best for the business lovers.

Jan 05, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Review - I personally found Zaperp very really made my work easy. Am a storekeeper, i do use paperp inventory and am satisfied with its results.highly recommended, a good experience with this app.

Nov 24, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Prediction expert - I am working as mass merchant and my duty is to tackle with mass stores often I get alot of requests which I find really hard to manage and to surprise I never get a predictive measurement of my profits but zaperp-inventory has solved my problems indeed its a good software

Nov 18, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Good analyzer - i am a merchant storekeeper and i supply goods to local small shops to calculate separate profit and analyze them is quite difficult so i use ZAPERP INVENTORY to analyze all profit and its a good app

Nov 15, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Best profit analyzer - I am running a small business in my town and supply goods to small shops like toys utensils etc usually I had a busy schedule and got very less time to put my eyes on my profit after all day work when I come back to my house I place all data on zaperp-inventory and this in less time it evaluate all my profit

Nov 12, 2020  on Bigcommerce

Profit predictor - I am a local medicine distributor and in short time I can cover the demand of consumer and can put my eyes on every single thing in such a hectic situation one of my colleague recommended me the use of zaperp and thus in very short time I can cover the demand of consumer and can put my eyes on every single thing

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