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Wrapped Gift Cards

14 Days Free Trial

Seamlessly integrate and manage versatile gift cards for in-store and online use.

Seamless integration
Versatile gift cards
In-store and online
Balance synchronization

About Wrapped Gift Cards

Launched Aug 14, 2023


Built by wrappedgiftcards.com

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Sell more gift cards and delight customers with the flexibility to use gift cards in-store and online across Lightspeed POS and BigCommerce.

Sell more gift cards and delight customers with the flexibility they expect—the ability to spend both in-store and online, wrapped into the same gift card. Wrapped syncs your gift cards between your Lightspeed POS and BigCommerce, keeping balances up-to-date, so you can have confidence wherever gift card credit is used.

Now you can offer gift cards that can be used wherever the recipient chooses to shop with you—in-store, online, or a combination of both. Put an end to time-consuming work-arounds and difficult customer conversations.


  • Seamless integration with Lightspeed POS and BigCommerce ensures up-to-date gift card balances.
  • Allows for greater flexibility by enabling gift card use both in-store and online.
  • Simplifies the process of managing gift cards for both retailers and customers.
  • Helps increase sales by providing customers the convenience to use their gift cards where they prefer.
  • Reduces time-consuming work-arounds and eliminates difficult customer conversations about gift card usage.


  • Requires compatibility with specific systems (Lightspeed POS and BigCommerce), which may not be suitable for all businesses.
  • Potential reliance on the app's functionality for accurate balance updates, which could be problematic if there are technical issues.
  • Limited to the ecosystem it's designed for, potentially limiting broader business applicability.

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