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Weather by Elfsight

Develop by elfsight.com
Free plan available

Customizable weather widget for global forecasts, enhancing website engagement and sales.

Customizable widget
Global forecasts
Weather data display
Hourly/daily forecast
Themed backgrounds

About Weather by Elfsight

Launched Jul 16, 2019



Always fresh weather forecast in a customizable widget on your website

BigCommerce Forecast Weather by Elfsight is a simple and customizable website plugin to provide your audience with current weather information for any required area. Choose any place in the world and enter it by the name, ZIP or coordinates. Your visitors will be able to see the updated info on temperature, air pressure, humidity percentage, and active weather. Our widget includes a feature to demonstrate hourly or daily forecast. The widget also features themed background pictures and the feature to choose any colors.


Uplift sales of weather-dependant products and services

The weather data can be a decision-making factor in purchasing seasonal goods or choosing a tourist destination

Improve user experience in booking outdoor activities

Having the weather forecast at hand, it's handy to find the date for the future event and book it without leaving your site

Lower the bounce rate of the page

The weather info always attracts attention and makes users spend more time on your site decreasing the bounce rate

This Forecast Weather Widget is provided by Elfsight Apps

Elfsight Apps is a cloud-based service that features apps to improve and diversify your website functionality (for example, Instagram Feed, YouTube Gallery, Social Icons and others).

This widget functions like a bridge between your site and Elfsight Apps Service. It connects them together. Then it takes the widget that you have built at Elfsight Apps and displays it directly on your website.

In case you don't have an Elfsight Apps account, you can set it up totally free, and it only takes about a minute.


If you experience any issues with the BigCommerce Weather or have questions, feel free to address our customer support. We are always delighted to help!

Free Installation Service

Our Customer Help Team will be happy to help with the embedding or install the widget for you. We are looking forward to your inquiries at


Haven't yet tested our tool in work? Do it now on the Weather page!


  • Customizable weather widget enhances website engagement by providing real-time weather data.
  • Supports global locations, allowing users to enter preferred area by name, ZIP, or coordinates.
  • Offers hourly or daily forecast display options, improving user experience.
  • Uplifts sales of weather-dependent products and services by offering relevant weather information.
  • Improves user experience for booking outdoor activities by displaying handy weather data.
  • Potential to lower page bounce rate as weather info attracts user attention.
  • Themed background pictures and color customization add aesthetic value to the site.
  • Free and quick setup with the Elfsight Apps account and free installation service.


  • Requires integration with Elfsight Apps, adding an additional layer of dependency.
  • Users need to set up a separate Elfsight Apps account, which may not suit everyone.
  • Limited to displaying basic weather parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and active weather.

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