Effortlessly schedule, manage, and maximize sales with Sale Scheduler.
Schedule your sales with confidence - No more hassle with setting up coupon codes - Set up your sale and forget about it!
Gain insight into the effectiveness of your sales with this highly anticipated App. Instantly create and schedule sales for 1 to 1000's of products. Select sale products by Brand, Category, Price, Product name or SKU wildcard. Limit the number of products you'll sell at a given price - and much more!
It's never been easier - select your products, set discounts or fixed prices, set the schedule on your calendar, and run. You can even run a "sale on-demand" and show a countdown timer.
If you've been looking for the best way to manage your sales, this is the App for you!
Creating your First Sale (below in the slideshow) - only ~2 minutes
What happens after you click "Get This App" (below in the slideshow) - only ~2 minutes
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