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Pimcore Integration by Hamari Agency

Develop by hamari.agency
Free App

Effortlessly sync BigCommerce with Pimcore for enhanced data management.

Centralized data management
Effortless data sync
Multi-store compatibility

About Pimcore Integration by Hamari Agency


Powerful Product Information for any BigCommerce storefront. Manage your product data for all your channels centrally within Pimcore.


Deliver customer value from better data management with integrating your BigCommerce store with Pimcore. The Pimcore connector for BigCommerce is a premium extension developed, maintained and supported by Hamari Agency, a gold Pimcore Partner.

PIMCORE enables companies to own their digital world

Pimcore offers a powerful, integrated data management and experience management platform allowing your different teams including sales, marketing, operations and other teams to act together enabling your business to grow efficiently. Pimcore acts as your single source of truth for your product information together with a powerful digital asset management solution for your images, videos and other media. Pimcore's open source edition is continuously developed by a community of developers across the world with more than 300 active contributors.

Connect and Synchronise your data with BigCommerce

The Pimcore App for BigCommerce allows you to easily feed high-quality product information from your PIM directly to your BigCommerce storefront with a click of a button. This will allow you to improve your customer experience, reducing returns and improving conversions. This powerful plugin will allow you to easily connect with BigCommerce without overloading your IT Team.


  • Effortless synchronization of BigCommerce with Pimcore enhances data management.
  • Multi-store front compatibility enables flexible management for businesses with multiple storefronts.
  • Improves customer experience by providing high-quality product information, which can reduce returns and improve conversions.
  • Acts as a single source of truth for product information and digital asset management, benefiting sales, marketing, and operations teams.
  • Easy integration without overloading IT teams, thanks to the simplified connection process.
  • Pimcore's open source edition is regularly developed and updated by a large community of contributors, ensuring innovation and support.


  • As a premium extension, it may require additional financial investment, which might not be ideal for small businesses with tight budgets.
  • Users might need initial training or onboarding to fully leverage Pimcore's features and integration with BigCommerce.

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