On-Demand Liquidity by Receive logo

On-Demand Liquidity by Receive

Develop by nowreceive.com
Free plan available

Boost cash flow easily: zero fees, no credit checks, instant access.

Instant cash access
Zero fees
No credit checks
Sales data leverage
Earned revenue access

About On-Demand Liquidity by Receive

Launched Jan 18, 2024


Built by nowreceive.com

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Streamline BigCommerce payments with seamless integration...


Connect your BigCommerce storefront and bank account to instantly turn outstanding sales into spending power. Anytime. Anywhere. For free.

Introducing Receive – the first-ever earned revenue access tool for sellers and small businesses. Receive provides on-demand liquidity for small businesses bridging the gap between you making a sale and receiving a payout. Receive eliminates the "time to money tax" with a zero interest, zero fee, no credit required solution that enables sellers to avoid costly and predatory loans.

Unlike cumbersome and pricey loan applications or cash advances, our streamlined approach leverages your sales data to promptly grant access to cash within your earned revenue limits.

There are no fees, no fixed repayment schedules, or APRs. Receive operates solely on the revenue you've already earned – no lending, purchasing receivables, or capital funding involved.

Receive empowers small businesses with hassle-free access to cash, no strings attached. Say goodbye to credit checks and rigid repayment terms – with Receive, it's all about leveraging your sales data to unlock the liquidity you need, precisely when you need it. Boost your cash flow effortlessly and focus on what truly matters – growing your business.


  • Zero fees and no interest, providing a cost-effective solution for small businesses.
  • No credit checks required, enabling easy access for businesses without strong credit histories.
  • Instant access to cash, improving cash flow and reducing the waiting period between sales and payouts.
  • Streamlined process leveraging sales data, which simplifies access to liquidity.
  • No fixed repayment schedules or APRs, offering flexibility to small businesses.


  • Reliance on sales data limits the app's use to businesses with consistent sales records.
  • Limited to earned revenue, which may not be sufficient for all liquidity needs.
  • As a new and unique tool, users might require a learning curve to fully leverage its benefits.
  • Potential concerns about data privacy as personal and sales data are required for processing.

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