Simplify marketing with data insights and full sales funnel tracking.
Etracker is designed to be incorporated into your marketing process effortlessly. After set up, your data will start to appear for your use.
Etracker Pro generates a session id for your website visitors and matches the session id with your Google Analytics data. You will be able to create Phone Leads from our platform, follow up the conversion of phone leads turning into orders. Each order and lead mapped over session id, you can track and analyze the full sales funnel for every aspect from source to sales channel, lead to order, phone or website, etc. By following up the leads who have not converted into sales, users are able to increase the sales.
Important Note: This plug-in can be only used with Etracker Pro subscription. For further information please check
This app has been approved as Multi-Storefront Compatible by the BigCommerce team.
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