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Develop by cym.bio
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Streamline brand-retailer connections with Cymbio's drop ship automation platform.

About Cymbio

Launched May 30, 2021


Introduction Video


The #1 choice for brands, sellers and suppliers who wish to start selling on marketplaces, department stores and boutiques.

Cymbio is the leading choice for brands, sellers and suppliers to connect with retailers. They enable digital sales growth for brands with the world's first end-to-end drop ship and marketplace automation platform. As the technology bridge between brands such as Steve Madden, Marchesa, Camper, Micro Kickboard, and over 600 retailers, marketplaces, department stores and boutiques (such as Nordstrom, Kohl's, Macy's, Farfetch, Urban Outfitters), they warrant quick connectivity and growth, exposing brands to a global retail ecosystem.

Get rid of long 1-1 integrations, manual operations and daily management of brand to retail connectivity. Cymbio automates product data syndication, imagery, mapping, taxonomy, inventory syncing, orders, billing, tracking, returns, reports and more. They connect to both brands' and retailers' internal systems, enabling strong collaborations, quick scaling and overall sales growth for both brands and retailers.

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