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Apps by Vesta-central.com

Easily sync POS data to your online store with vPOSit.

Get Data From Your POS to Your Online Store Fast!

vPOSit provides you with the simplest and quickest method possible to transmit price, inventory, availability and other data to your online store.

As long as your POS can export a product file, you can use vPOSit. Our flexible platform adapts to your existing system capabilities, avoiding the need for costly modifications to your POS.

Leverage Dropbox, Email, API Endpoint, or the vPOSit BigCommerce App to submit your product file on-demand, and let vPOSit take care of updating your online store with Prices, Stock Levels, Product Availability and more.

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  • 30 Days Free Trial

Easily sync POS data to your online store with vPOSit.

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