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Apps by Smartarget.online

Boost Instagram followers with visible, non-intrusive user prompts. Show more

Instagram - Follow Us by Smartarget is a powerful tool designed to boost your Instagram follower count. With this app, you can effortlessly inform your website visitors about your Instagram profile, encouraging them to connect with you on the platform. This feature is especially beneficial for e-commerce sites, as it helps drive traffic from Instagram, ensuring potential customers are retargeted and encouraged to return to your site. The app displays a subtle yet prominent message to your users, politely prompting them to follow you on Instagram. By fostering a closer connection with your audience through this app, you can enhance your social media presence and ultimately drive sales.
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Visible user prompts
Non-intrusive messages
Profile recommendation

Get more Instagram Followers

Get more Instagram followers

Do you have an Instagram profile? Our app Instagram - Follow Us allows you to tell your users about your profile so they can start following you.

Many e-commerce sites generate a lot of traffic from Instagram, so it's very important to recommend your users to follow you so you can retarget them on Instagram and make sure they get back to your website to buy something.

Instagram Follow Us will show a non intrusive but yet very visible message to your users and recommend them to follow you.

Instagram - Follow Us by Smartarget logo
  • Free Plan Available

Boost Instagram followers with visible, non-intrusive user...

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