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Apps by Onvoard.com

Boost customer retention with customizable rewards; EU-hosted for GDPR compliance.

Re-inventing rewards loyalty program with partner rewards.

Loyalty Program to retain customers and increase lifetime value. For GDPR, data are hosted in EU.

Loyalty Program

Customer acquisition costs are increasing each year. Facebook ads aren't as cheap as it used to be, making it challenging for merchants to acquire new customers. Merchants today need to go beyond acquisition strategy in order to grow store revenue in a sustainable manner.

With Loyalty Program, merchants can easily setup powerful and highly customizable rewards loyalty program to retain customers and increase lifetime value.

Migrating from Other Rewards Loyalty Program

Reperks allows you to import existing members data and points via CSV. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance to migrate to Reperks.


See pricing page at

for more details.

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(2 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

Boost customer retention with customizable rewards; EU-hosted...

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