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Apps by Kissingerassoc.com

"Seamlessly integrate Sage 100 with BigCommerce for efficient eCommerce automation." Show more

Web-Stor® - Sage 100 Integration by Kissinger Associates is a powerful tool designed to seamlessly integrate Sage 100 with BigCommerce, optimizing both B2B and B2C operations. This app provides real-time, bi-directional automation, allowing businesses to enhance their eCommerce performance while minimizing fulfillment time and costs. By synchronizing your BigCommerce store with Sage 100, Web-Stor enables a more scalable and efficient business process. Key integration points are covered from both systems, ensuring comprehensive connectivity. One standout feature of Web-Stor is its intuitive dashboard, providing valuable insights into your eCommerce integrations and facilitating proactive customer support with customizable notifications. Unlike other solutions that might offer limited visibility, Web-Stor's transparency and effectiveness have earned high praise from satisfied customers, who have shared their positive experiences through glowing testimonials.
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Customizable notifications
Real-time synchronization
Comprehensive dashboard
Sage 100 integration
Bigcommerce automation
Prebuilt workflows

Leverage prebuilt B2C and B2B workflows for Sage 100 integration with BigCommerce

Web-Stor provides end-to-end Sage 100 integration with BigCommerce. Streamline your B2B and B2C processes with real-time, bi-directional automation. Web-Stor's Sage 100 integration enables you to scale your eCommerce business while reducing fulfillment time and cost and improving customer experience.

Web-Stor solves Sage 100 BigCommerce integration

Sync your BigCommerce store(s) with Sage 100

Common integration points from BigCommerce to Sage 100 include:

Common integration points from Sage 100 to BigCommerce include:

The Web-Stor Dashboard: Get insights about your eCommerce integrations, all in one place

Unlike competing solutions with "black box" integration, Web-Stor includes a game-changing dashboard where you can see, at a glance, everything you might want to know about your eCommerce integrations. In addition, the Web-Stor dashboard enables the delivery of proactive customer support and customizable event notifications.

Our customers rave about their Web-Stor solutions!

Read customer testimonials here:

Web-Stor® - Sage 100 Integration by Kissinger Associates logo

"Seamlessly integrate Sage 100 with BigCommerce for efficient...

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