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"Lower shipping rates for US/Canada merchants with DHL, UPS, Canpar."

InXpress Discount Carrier Rating for US and Canada based merchants

Discount Carrier Rating for US and Canada based merchants only.

We offer dramatically reduced domestic and international shipping costs by consolidating the shipping volume from thousands of businesses under one umbrella. Take advantage of these rates and offer DHL, UPS, and Canpar as additional shipping options. No minimum requirements to qualify. You only ever pay for shipping! We're helping thousands of small to mid-sized companies save thousands on their shipping costs and helping them grow their overseas and domestic markets.

InXpress is an authorized reseller for the carriers listed below, offering reduced rates for a wide variety of services to meet your domestic and international shipping needs.

*Please note this is not for existing DHL Customers who have shipped on their account within the last 6 months.

To get started:

Additional Service:

Print Shipping Labels and Packing Slips

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  • Free Plan Available

"Lower shipping rates for US/Canada merchants with DHL,...

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