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Apps by Intuitsolutions.net

Quick customer login via popup, enhancing BigCommerce shopping experience.

Allow Customers to log in through a convenient pop-up modal without having to leave the current page on your site

Allow Customers to log in to your website without leaving their current page with a simple popup window, bypassing the multi-page login process native to BigCommerce.

The traditional BigCommerce login process requires customers to navigate away from the product they're looking at to sign in, wasting time and potentially causing confusion that increases your bounce rates. Our customization will allow your Customer to log in right from their current page. It's faster, easier, and ensures your customers don't give up on a purchase or lose their way through the purchase pipeline.




Have questions or need something similar? Contact Us: IntuitSolutions.net | 866.843.4650

Popup Login Window by IntuitSolutions logo

Quick customer login via popup, enhancing BigCommerce shopping...

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