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Apps by Intuitsolutions.net

Enhance product options with instructional tooltips for improved user experience. Show more

Product Option Tooltips by IntuitSolutions is a versatile app designed to enhance user experience on BigCommerce stores by providing additional information on Product Option labels. This innovative tool allows you to incorporate instructional text as hover-activated tooltips or on-page text, ensuring that your customers have all the necessary information at their fingertips. Whether you're explaining complex product options, highlighting essential details, or encouraging customer decisions, this app seamlessly integrates these features into your online store. Native support for adding captions or instructions to Product Options is limited in BigCommerce, making this app an indispensable solution for store owners seeking to improve customer interaction. With easy installation and comprehensive specifications, Product Option Tooltips ensures that your product details are presented clearly and effectively. For any inquiries or custom requirements, reach out to the experts at IntuitSolutions via their website or contact number.
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Enhanced user experience
Instructional tooltips
Inline text
Product option captions

Add instructions under Product Option labels on the Product Detail Page as tooltips or inline text

Include instructional text on the Product Option label, either in the form of a hover-activated tooltip or as on-page text. Adding extra text that explains complicated Product Options, advertises necessary information, or simply prompts customers to make a choice can make a big difference in your user experience.

Adding captions or instructions to Product Options isn't natively supported by BigCommerce.This is the best way to deliver extra information to your customer.




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Enhance product options with instructional tooltips for...

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