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Apps by Intuitsolutions.net

Enable seamless online donations during checkout to support social causes. Show more

Shopper Donations by Ebizio Checkout is a powerful tool that enables BigCommerce businesses to integrate social responsibility into their shopping experience. The app simplifies the process of accepting online donations during the checkout phase, providing a seamless and user-friendly interface for both merchants and customers. By using this app, businesses can align themselves with purpose-driven initiatives, significantly enhancing their appeal to socially-conscious consumers, who are increasingly favoring companies with strong ethical values. With the Donations Module, merchants gain the flexibility to support a wide range of social causes, engage customers in meaningful contributions, and foster a stronger community connection. This not only enhances brand image but also helps businesses stand out in a competitive marketplace by advocating for change and driving customer loyalty through shared values. Elevate your ecommerce platform with Shopper Donations, and turn every transaction into an opportunity for positive impact.
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Checkout integration
Recurring payments
Seamless donations
Fixed amounts

Accept donations at checkout for fixed amounts, roundups, or recurring payments.

Recent studies show that consumers are four to six times more likely to purchase from purpose-driven companies. Fortunately, it's now easier than ever for BigCommerce businesses to support social causes and help consumers contribute to meaningful change.

Our app makes it easy for businesses to accept online donations in the checkout process by creating a seamless and user-friendly experience for both merchants and customers.

With the Donations Module from Ebizio Checkout, merchants can:

Shopper Donations by Ebizio Checkout logo

Enable seamless online donations during checkout to support...

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