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Apps by Intuitsolutions.net

"Streamline purchasing with grid-designed product variations on one page."

Display Product Options in a grid on the Product Page to easily purchase multiple variations and quantities of a single Product

Allow your customers to purchase multiple variations of a Product in different quantities from a single Product Page with the Product Option Grid. It displays your Product Options in a Grid format, so your customers can enter purchase quantities for each specific Option combination, and add all Products to the Cart at once.

For example, if you are selling a T-Shirt that has a Color Option (Red, Yellow, Blue) and a Size Option (Small, Medium, Large), the Product Option Grid will split the Color Option into rows, and Sizes into columns. A customer can order any number of each Option Combination all at once from the same Product Page, rather than needing to order each Option combination individually.




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Product Option Grid by IntuitSolutions logo

"Streamline purchasing with grid-designed product variations...

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