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Apps by Hexgator.com

Simplify registrations with one-click social logins via Facebook, Google, Twitter.

Increase customer registration by letting them register with their social account in just one click.

Increase customer registration by letting them register with their social account in just one click

Make customer login easier and faster with Facebook, Google and Twitter

With the number of sites requiring registrations increasing day by day, customers hate creating accounts and remember passwords. This is one main reasons why a potential customer does not sign up for an account. Moreover with the exponential growth of mobile phone usage, where filling out the form is a pain with small keyboard size, Customers would prefer to simply tap to login. If a customer leaves your store without leaving their email, they are lost forever. Social Login helps you get your customer information quickly by providing your customers with a single click login option.

Supported Platforms:

One Click Social Login logo
(3 Reviews)
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Simplify registrations with one-click social logins via...

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