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"Streamline e-commerce with 7-in-1 BigCommerce app for ultimate product control."
30 Day Free Trial with Free Setup.
7 useful and easy to use apps in 1 app.
productAce is a powerful BigCommerce app that blends extreme functionality and usability into one convenient tool to give you total control over your products at the product level.
App Features
First app - Additions
Easily add add-on products on any product you want.
Second App - Bulk Buy
This app is great for B2B websites that want to make it easy for their customers to quickly order products with many variants.
Third App - Frequently Bought Together
If you've ever seen this feature on Amazon, then you're familiar with how this app allows you to combine products together to sell as a group.
Fourth App - Merchandising
Merchandise your products within any of your categories with an easy to use drag and drop feature. This app makes it easy to put your best sellers up top for more sales.
Fifth App - Super Kits
Bundle products into groups allowing you to sell more and making it easy for your customer to buy it all on one page.
Sixth App - Upsell Magic
Create smart upsells that are dynamic according to what the customer is ordering. Why upsell the lesser product, when they'll pay for the more expensive one?
Seventh App - Minimum Cart
Set a minimum cart purchase before a customer can checkout.
"Streamline e-commerce with 7-in-1 BigCommerce app for ultimate...