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Apps by Elfsight.com

Transform Instagram posts into genuine testimonials on your BigCommerce site.

A brand-new functional and stylish widget to display your customers’ Instagram testimonials. Liven up your website and increase your sales!

BigCommerce Instagram Testimonials plugin is an easy tool to transform customer Instagram posts into trustworthy testimonials about your products on the website. Display as many posts as you need, show author's name and photo and put a link to their profile to prove they are real people. You are free to choose between the ready-to-use layouts and post templates, switch diverse elements and edit call to action text. Show reaction counts and Share button to let the testimonials be spread further.

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The Instagram Testimonials widget is provided by Elfsight Apps

Elfsight Apps is a cloud-based service that features apps to extend and diversify your website functionality (for instance, Instagram Feed, YouTube Gallery, Social Icons and others).

This widget acts as a bridge between your site and Elfsight Apps Service, connecting the two together. It takes the widget you've configured at Elfsight Apps and displays it right on your website.

If you don't have an Elfsight Apps account, setting it up is totally free, and only takes you about a minute.

How to add Instagram TestimonialsSlider to BigCommerce website

Any issues withset up or adjusting? Contact our Support team, we will be happy to help you!

Free installation service

Our Support Team will be happy to install the widget for you, or to answer any questions that might come up. Contact us at

, and we'll be happy to help!

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  • Free Plan Available

Transform Instagram posts into genuine testimonials on your...

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