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Apps by Capacitywebsolutions.com

Notify customers instantly when out-of-stock items are restocked.

Instant customer alerts
Back in stock emails
Popup notification form

Instock Notification helps to notify to registered customers about product back in stock email with product details.

Don't lose sales when your inventory runs out. This Stock Notification App makes it easy for customers to sign up for a Back in Stock alert. When you restock products the waiting customers are alerted instantly with an email to bring them back to your store and complete the purchase.

How it works

Send customer alerts if the desired product is back in stock. Customers can fill product notify me form in a popup window and receive a notification email when the product is available.


Application Functionalities

Instock Notification App Demo:

We provide free service for app installation and configuration on your store. Please contact us.

Instock Notification by Capacity Web Solutions logo
(3 Reviews)
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Notify customers instantly when out-of-stock items are restocked....

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