Offline Order Importer by Fahrenheit Marketing logo

Offline Order Importer by Fahrenheit Marketing

14 Days Free Trial

"Effortlessly upload bulk orders via spreadsheet to BigCommerce."

1 Reviews

About Offline Order Importer by Fahrenheit Marketing

Launched Jun 21, 2022


Built by fahrenheitmarketing.com

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(163 Reviews)
  • 14 Days Free Trial
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The FM Offline Order Importer simplifies the process of importing large orders into your BigCommerce store.

Leverage the FM Offline Order Importer and upload hefty orders through a single spreadsheet directly to your store. Then sit back and watch the app do the work for you.

Have a long list of recipients but don't want to spend a lifetime inputting orders manually on your BigCommerce store? No problem! Gone are the days of entering endless customer information into multiple fields.

With an intuitive interface and convenient reference templates, you'll be able to create and process large orders at a fraction of the time, all while minimizing human error. During the upload process, the app automatically detects and reports any errors for easy correction. You can also utilize spreadsheet editors to input order information such as shipping addresses and product types and automatically save previous order uploads for quick reference and thorough documentation.

Have questions? Our Customer Support Portal gives you easy access to experts who can provide you with tailored solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Top Helpful Reviews


Jun 08, 2023  on Bigcommerce

Speeds Up Productivity - This product is a godsend where we've been using something much less intuitive in the past! Allowing us the ability to upload large orders at once and at the same time review any potential errors in customer information is incredibly helpful along with the ability to view totaled amounts for the orders your list created. This will save my team lots of time where with our previous system, this process was far more nuanced and could only be handled by a few members who were intimately familiar with the process needed. From a management perspective, this app is a very teachable tool that I was able to create simple procedurals for our team to follow. The time saved pays off!

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