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Constant Contact

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"Streamline marketing and boost sales with personalized email integration."

About Constant Contact

Launched Mar 29, 2018


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(4 Reviews)
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"Boost sales with real-time insights and personalized marketing...


Easily sync your BigCommerce customer data with Constant Contact to deliver personalized emails and boost sales for your business.

Constant Contact offers a powerful suite of digital marketing tools that simplify online marketing for small businesses. Whether it's driving sales, growing a customer base or engaging an audience, we combine the right tools, advice and award-winning support that deliver results.

The official Constant Contact integration for BigCommerce lets you easily sync your BigCommerce customer data with Constant Contact to deliver personalized emails and boost sales for your business!

Top Helpful Reviews

May 17, 2024  on Bigcommerce

Will not link products - I have signed up on Big Commerce and Constant Contact, linked the accounts, and it will not let me load products. It continuously loops me through the same process.

Sep 28, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Completely Outdated - just realized it hasn't been adding the customers who opted in to our mailing list for a month. Everything about this platform is totally outdated. we have constant problems, as they are always making changes that make the service worse instead of improve it. begging my boss to switch to a different provider.

Apr 06, 2022  on Bigcommerce

STILL DOES NOT WORK WITH BIGCOMMERCE - Uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Nothing. Still the endless looping that last reviewer claims was fixed. This is NOT the case! Furthermore, my contact list keeps shrinking as nobody can sign up for my emails. At the point of going to another email service and leaving Constant (problems) Contact FOREVER!

Mar 08, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Endless Loop Issue is Fixed! - Reinstall the App - We were running into the same endless login loop when trying to run the ConstantContact App. You'd try to connect your store, then wind up at your BigCommerce Store login screen, which would take you to the ConstantContact LAUNCH page in the BigCommerce control panel, but when you click Launch it takes you down a spiral that leads back to where you started.I'm happy to say, that as of March 2022, this issue seems to be fixed.The ConstantContact support team had me delete the app and re-download/install it. This seems to have resolved the issue. My contacts from BigCommerce are now showing up in my ConstantContact list and are receiving my CC mailings when they go out.It (finally) works like a charm!

Jan 02, 2022  on Bigcommerce

Sync issues with BigCommerce - We've been paying subscription fees every month to Constant Contact, and for some reason after many years, our store no longer is synced. We tried re-syncing, and like MANY OTHER REVIEWS, CONSTANT CONTACT IS AN ENDLESS LOOP and gets you nowhere. We contacted Big Commerce 2x, + community support. WHY DOESN'T CONSTANT CONTACT RESPOND TO THESE ISSUES? Constant contact is ok with taking your monthly $$, but the product is simply not working.

Nov 06, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Integration with Constant Contact - Both BigCommerce & Constant Contact websites say that they work together, but clearly there is a programming error for the integration to work. Please help! This is a valuable add-on service you are providing to your customers.

Nov 04, 2021  on Bigcommerce

WHY does this still not work? - Tried this on our Big Commerce store and it won't even install. I asked Constant Contact about it and they said "just contact us if it doesn't work". Going to try contacting them, but everyone else seems to be having trouble as well.

Aug 03, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Doesn't Work - Zero Stars - Does not do the absolute minimum of connecting BigCommerce to Constant Contact. Why won't they fix this??

May 25, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Not connecting - So it has been a few months and the glitch is still not fixed. BC and CC are not connecting.

May 04, 2021  on Bigcommerce

Constant Loop - doesn't work - Keeps looping like other reviews state. Try to connect, login, and so goes the loop. Our shopify store connected no problem

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