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7 Days Free Trial

Optimize B2B sales with seamless MOQ control on your BigCommerce store.

Manual product selection
Seamless integration
Automatic updates
Moq control
Cart quantity enforcement

About BCbuyx

Launched Aug 31, 2023


Built by clipmagic.com.au


Let customers buy in multiples of the minimum order quantity for products you choose.

Merchants, especially those in the distribution and wholesale space (B2B), often need to sell products in multiples of the minimum order quantity, such as:

This app gives you the power to select the products and minimum order quantities, ensuring that customers can only purchase those products in multiples of the MOQ.

BCbuyx seamlessly integrates with your BigCommerce store and notifies the customer of the quantity buy factor below the pricing on:

On pages where products may be added or removed from the Cart, the quantity increments are enforced.

BCbuyx operates on autopilot when updating products, making it a hassle-free experience. Additionally, you have the flexibility to manually select eligible products.

NO TEMPLATE CHANGES REQUIRED! Simply install and select your BCbuyx products.


  • Optimizes B2B sales by managing minimum order quantities (MOQ) efficiently.
  • Seamlessly integrates with BigCommerce store without requiring template changes.
  • Automates the process of updating product order quantities, providing a hassle-free experience.
  • Allows merchants to manually select eligible products for MOQ settings.
  • Notifies customers about quantity requirements directly below product pricing, improving clarity.
  • Ensures customers can only purchase in multiples of the MOQ, aligning with business requirements.


  • Limited appeal to B2C businesses as it's specifically designed for B2B operations.
  • Requires merchants to initially set up eligible products for MOQ, which may be time-consuming.
  • No mention of additional features or customization options beyond MOQ control.
  • May need consistent monitoring to ensure selected products remain relevant for MOQ conditions.

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