Effortlessly automate your BigCommerce store with Alloy's powerful workflow solutions.
Automate BigCommerce workflows with intuitive drag-and-drop...
Automate your BigCommerce store in minutes! Join the likes of the Baltimore Ravens and others to automate your store and increase sales.
By using automated workflows, you no longer need to hire an assistant or engineer to help you run the tedious day-to-day operations of your store. Use Alloy for automating marketing, customer service, shipping, fulfillment, tagging, and other manual, time-consuming tasks so you can focus on growing your brand.
We have integrations with 80+ ecommerce apps including ShipHero, Klaviyo, Gorgias, ShipBob, Shippo, Omnisend, Google Sheets, and others.
New integrations are available every week! Want a specific integration we don't support yet? Contact us and we'll let you know when we can build it.
Unlike other automation platforms like Zapier, Alloy integrates with BigCommerce stores in just a few clicks. Get started with a free 7-day trial to see how Alloy can help.
Choose from pre-built workflow templates
We've built a library of over 100+ prebuilt workflow recipes that you can easily use and customize for your BigCommerce store. Best of all, our recipes are free and created by our partners and top users!
Transform your BigCommerce store into a multi-vendor marketplace...
"Streamline shipping with Starshipit: automate, integrate,...
Easily create engaging, customizable mega menus for better...