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AgeChecker.Net logo


Develop by agechecker.net
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Instant, secure age verification for online age-restricted sales compliance.

About AgeChecker.Net

Launched Feb 04, 2017


Built by agechecker.net

Introduction Video


AgeChecker.Net is a leading provider in secure online age verification for vape shops.

AgeChecker.Net - Secure online age verification

AgeChecker.Net is the leading provider in online age verification for age-restricted industries. Our system is designed to prevent underage sales and comply with the latest FDA, federal, and state regulations. We handle age verification so you don't have to manually verify customers or risk selling to underage buyers. The verification process is quick, user-friendly, and backed by 24/7/365 customer support so you don't lose conversions over age verification.

U.S. identity networks and our proprietary database of verified customers allow us to verify the majority of your customers instantly. Fewer than 10% are prompted to submit a photo ID. Those approved via photo ID are then instantly verified on any website using AgeChecker.Net. Photo ID verification takes place directly through our popup so customers never have to leave your checkout page. They can submit an image using their webcam or mobile camera, upload a file, or receive a text to complete the process on their smartphone


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