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Apps by Beautitag.com

Boost sales by recovering abandoned carts with automated email reminders.

Send 3 abandoned cart emails with customized design and send out delays for FREE

Research shows that around 67% - 75% shopping cart is abandoned before they are finally checked out which implies that nearly $200 - $300 of sales is left "Abandoned" for every $100 sales you have completed.

The figure sounds really disturbing as so many potential customers and opportunities didn't make to the finish line. There are various reasons that customers that didn't checkout such as they would like to give a second thought before purchasing, or they simply forgot they have put something into the shopping cart.

With Abandoned Cart Recovery by Beautitag Solution, you can customize and schedule up to 3 emails to send to potential customers who have left their cart behind. With this warm reminder, this can bring your customer back and surely boost your store's revenue.

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(4 Reviews)
  • Free Plan Available

Boost sales by recovering abandoned carts with automated...

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