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Apps by Bbamastro.com

"Streamline logistics with seamless e-commerce integration and carrier management." Show more

BBA Mastro is a pioneering software technology solution tailored for the logistics industry, designed to streamline the e-commerce fulfillment process. With its advanced modules, the app offers seamless importation of orders directly from e-commerce platforms, easing the logistics of booking with multiple carriers and providing unified package tracking capabilities. Once customers complete their orders using the BBA Mastro checkout method, the system automatically integrates and initiates fulfillment and delivery processes. Businesses interested in utilizing the BBA Mastro services need to establish a dedicated account through the sales team, with pricing structured according to transaction volume and selected modules. Furthermore, the app supports comprehensive integration with shopping cart solutions or online marketplaces, accommodating direct store order fulfillment or coordination with third-party logistics (3PL) warehousing partners. BBA Mastro enhances business-to-business logistics by facilitating efficient delivery management and helping businesses meet key performance indicators (KPIs) and service benchmarks with ease.
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E-commerce integration
Unified tracking
Carrier management

by BBA Mastrobetter shipping through innovation


BBA MASTRO is a comprehensive software technology provider catering mainly to the logistics industry. We provide modules that handle seamless importation of orders from e-commerce stores, booking via multiple carriers, unified package and tracking.

Once a customer checks out with BBA Mastro provided method, the order is automatically imported into the BBA System for fulfilment and delivery.

Account & Pricing

A separate BBA Mastro Account is needed to make this plugin work. In order to setup an account, you need to contact BBA Mastro sales by sending an email to

. Pricing is dependent on transaction volume and modules needed.


We can expertly integrate your business model with a shopping cart solution or even an online marketplace. Whether you want to fulfill orders directly from your store or seamlessly through a 3PL warehousing supplier, our technology can be customized to satisfy your exact requirements.

Business to Business

Achieving KPIs and service-level benchmarks has never been easier thanks to our intuitive system. It allows you to provide business-to-business delivery management solutions, including intra-store net.

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"Streamline logistics with seamless e-commerce integration...

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