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Apps by Arcticleaf.io

"Rebuild abandoned carts seamlessly across devices with Klaviyo integration."

This custom Klaviyo abandoned cart series ensures that no cart is left behind by dynamically rebuilding the user’s cart.

Stop sending out empty abandoned cart emails! Currently, a user's cart is lost when accessing it via a new browser or new device. This custom abandoned cart series ensures that no cart is left behind by dynamically rebuilding the user's cart.



This app is an add-on for Klaviyo that tracks and saves user cart data. It sends the cart data to Klaviyo so users can receive emails with links to regenerate their cart without cookies.

This app requires a Klaviyo account be active and linked to your store. For best results use it with the

Arctic Leaf - Cart Rebuilder

flow. Using this app will allow your customers to regenerate their carts with the click of a button, regardless of the device or browser they are using.

Say goodbye to empty abandoned cart emails!



**Note: This app is a one-click installation for Stencil stores



Klaviyo Cart Rebuilder V2 by Arctic Leaf logo
(4 Reviews)
  • 7 Days Free Trial

"Rebuild abandoned carts seamlessly across devices with...

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